Getting Started

pyInkscape is a tiny library that helps reading and editing Inkscape SVG graphic files.


pyInkscape is available on PyPI and can be installed using pip.

pip install --user pyinkscape

To make sure that pyinkscape has been installed properly, try:

python -c "import pyinkscape; print(pyinkscape.__version__)"

Or inside Python:

>>> import pyinkscape
>>> pyinkscape.__version__

First pyInkscape script

This script create an empty canvas (i.e. Inkscape page), finds the layer with the name “Layer 1”, and then write “Hello World” onto that layer. The result is then written into the file hello.svg.

>>> from pyinkscape import Canvas
>>> t = Canvas()
>>> l = t.layer('Layer 1')
>>> l.text("Hello World", center=(100, 100))
>>> t2.render('hello.svg')