Recipes for Common Usecases

These are common usecases of pyInkscape.

Load an existing Inkscape file

>>> c = Canvas('/home/user/Pictures/my_file.svg')

Finding layers

Layers can be searched by either names or IDs.

c = Canvas('/home/user/Pictures/my_file.svg')
# get all existing layers
layers = c.layers()
# get a layer by name
layer1 = c.layer("Layer 1")
# get a layer by ID
layer1 = c.layer_by_id("layer1")

Draw a text

Use the text() method of a Layer object to draw a text onto that layer.

>>> from pyInkscape import Canvas
>>> c = Canvas()
>>> l = c.layer("Layer 1")
>>> l.text("Hello World", (50, 50))
>>> c.render("output.svg")